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Minggu, 21 April 2013

Soal Bahasa Inggris

1.    Millions of people in the world are disabled. For them life is a big challenge .What can they do ???????????? ( Picture )
a.    Jhoni  is from Jakarta in UKJ ,He is a teenager with memory problems but he can act and he can learn his part. He is in a theater group.
b.    It’s very cold outside
Yes, She’s wearing very warm clothes.Her hair is in line with fur.
c.    Wei Fong is from Hongkong . He can’t use his arms and hands but he can paint.
How can he do this? He can draw and paint with  and his mouth
d.    Where can I buy some fruit ?
That boy is selling fruit from a market stall.
2.    Completa these sentences with one of the appropriate sentences from this box ! ( Question response )
a.    Kiki     : Do you know where Janet is this week?
Indah  :................................................................
b.    Metri   : Wouldn’t you like me to help you carry those package?
Diana  :..........................................................................
c.    Santi  : Would you rather take a plane or a train?
Linda :.............................................
d.    Andi : What do you think is better? A car or a motorcycle?
Eka    :...............................................
1 *A motorcycle will be suitable for you
2 *I’d feel more comfortable on a train
3 *She’s at a conference
4 *Thank you, but they’re not very heavy
5 *You can check   your baggage over there
6 *Yes,it’s this week
3          Read the following story and answer the question!
            Poor Old Gentlemen
            One day an old man was walking slowly along the street.He was on his way home when he saw a little boy trying to reach a door bell. The door bell was too high for him. The old man was kind hearted; so he stopped and said : “Let me halp you ring the bell,” And he pressed the button so hard that it could be heard all over the house . The little boy looked up at him and said : “Now, let us run away. Come on”! And before the old man knew what was happening, the naughty boy had run round the conner of the street.
a.    What was the little boy doing?
b.    Why was he unable to reach the door?
c.    What did the old man do when he saw him doing it?
4.Use “ present continuous tense“ or” future continuos tense “to correct the verb in the bracket !
      a. Alot of people ( be ) angry because of rise in
      b. The movie ( frighten ) us
      c. My grandmother (leave ) for Singapure next week
      d. Arum (watch) korean movie when you arrive at o’clock tomorrow
      e. I (be ) at home at this time tomorrow
5. Fiil the blanks by using the suitable preposition
      a.There are many food ...............the fridge
      b. The farmer fell ........................the tree
      c. The garage is...........................the house
      d. The cake will be ready.............13.00 P.M

                                          GOOD LUCK

1.Translate these abbreviation sentences! (more important )
            A . EOD          :..................................................
            B . BRB          :..................................................
C    ASAP      :...............................................
D.    JstCllMe:................................................
E .   -)          :...................................................
F.         HAND:..................................................
G. 8-O :.................................................
2.Fiil the blanks by using the suitable Preference
            a.   I ....................................meet a dangerous lion rather than him
            b.    Ramon preferred sandwich........................................rice.
            c.    I like watching news channel .................................reading news paper
d.   Diana ..................staying in my room better than going outside in this cold weather.
3.Read the following dialogue and answer the question!
My father accompanied my mother to go to the market yesterday. My mother wanted to buy some fruits at the fruit shop.
Seller    : Can I help you ?
Mother  : Yes, of course, I need the grape. How much is it for one kilogram?
Seller    : It is twenty thousand rupiahs?
Mother  : How expensive it is !!! Can you make it fifteen thousand rupiahs?
Seller    : I’m sorry, madam, I can’t
Mother  : How about sixteen thousand?
Seller    : A little more
Mother  : Okay. Seventeen thousand for one kg. I will take two kilograms

a.    What kind of shop do they visit ?........................................................
b.    What did she buy ?............................................................................
c.    Read the following story and answer the question!How much did mention the first price ?.............................
d.    How many kilogram did mother buy ?...............................................
4.Use “ future continuous tense” to correct the verb in the bracket !
a. The workers




1.F; Can I speak to Mr Satrio, please?
  M; Sorry. He’s having a meeting ringt now. Would you like to leave amessage?
   F; Well ,please tell him to fax the computer specification that he ordered yesterday
       immediately to CAC (Computer and Accessories Center). Thank you.
2.M; Good morning.How are you?
    F; Good morning,Sir. I’m very well thank you. May I Introduce Miss.Putri Resmiati.
        She’s a new staff member in our Accouting Department. She’s going to start to
        work today.
    M; How do you do?
3.F; What‘s wrong with me Doctor?
  M; Don’t be worried. It‘s not a serious disease. Just a cough and flu.
       Have enough rest, a lot of fresh fruit and drink, but not much sweet and rich food.
  F; I see, thank you Doctor.
4.M; The production rate last month was 10,000 pieces.
    F; And how’s business this month?
  M; As we know that the rupiah is stabile enough nowadays, so the business is a bit
       Better. Our production rate is increasing 10 % this month.  
5.M; Excuse me! Which one is Mrs. Nining? Can you tell me what she is like?
    F; well,just look for a medium height lady with bright skin, long hair and she has a
        Birthmark on her right cheek. That’s all about her. You won’t make a mistake.
   M; Thanks a lot, but about how old is she?
6.F; Can you mention the influence of debating activities to the student’s English skill?
  M; well,first the activities can motivate the students to learn Engglish actively and in turn, they can improve their self-confidence.Finally their communication skill gets better.
F;Do you think so? We’ll activate our Engglish debate club,then
7,F; I’ m sorry to better you.I’ m looking for the nearest
M; A publik internet? Well, it’s not so fat, but you ‘ll have to walk passing through a small sreet and many turnings. First, go along this way and take the second turning on the left. And then, take the first turning on the right. Shall I accompany  you? I’ll need information from internet, too, .
F; Oh..........Thank you .It’s very kind of you. Let’s go there.
8.E; If I worked, I wouldn’t ask for money to my parents anymore to buy everything I wanted . My aunt, a secretery in big company, not only buys everything by herself but she has also got her own house and her car.
M; That’s why; you should study harder and graduate on time
F; Of course, and I will be a successfull manageress

Kamis, 18 April 2013

Sesuai mengikuti UN Siswa diciduk Polisi

Darma Pangestu (18), warga Nagori Manik Maraja, Kecamatan Sidamanik, Kabupaten Simalungun, dijemput polisi seusai mengikuti ujian nasional (UN) di sekolahnya di daerah Sidamanik, Kamis (18/4/2013).
Darma diduga terlibat pencurian satu unit sepeda motor Suzuki Satria FU nomor polisi BK 2078 TAL milik Jonis Sahputra (18), warga Desa Bah Biak, Afdeling 8, Kecamatan Sidamanik, Kabupaten Simalungun.
Remaja ini melakukan aksinya tahun lalu. Namun, baru terungkap setelah pelaku lainnya menjalani persidangan di Pengadilan Negeri Simalungun.
Kepala Polsek Sidamanik AKP Delami Shaleh mengatakan, semula mereka menerima pengaduan dari Joni yang kehilangan motor saat diparkir di teras rumah.
Setelah diselidiki, tiga hari kemudian pihaknya meringkus salah seorang pelaku, yakni Paul Kennedy Damanik (18), warga Sidamanik.
"Ketika menjalani pemeriksaan, Paul yang ditahan mengaku mencuri motor hanya seorang diri," jelas Delami.
Setelah kasusnya disidangkan di pengadilan, Paul yang dimintai keterangannya oleh majelis hakim, akhirnya buka mulut bahwa dia mencuri motor Suzuki Satria FU bersama Darma. 
Tak lama kemudian, polisi berhasil melacak keberadaan Darma. Petugas saat itu belum langsung menangkap Darma mengingat yang bersangkutan masih persiapan mengikuti UN di sekolahnya. 
Darma baru diringkus seusai mengikuti UN, lalu diboyong ke Polsek Sidamanik.
“Darma kita jemput dari sekolah. Kalau temannya, Paul yang divonis 3 bulan sudah bebas," jelas Delami.
Darma yang baru ditangkap sampai sejauh ini masih menjalani pemeriksaan dan dia dijerat Pasal 363 KUHP tentang pencurian.

Kisruh UN 2013

Sebagian siswa di beberapa wilayah pada tahun ini terpaksa mengerjakan Ujian Nasional (UN) langsung di atas naskah soal fotokopian lantaran naskah soal asli beserta lembar jawab yang sampai ke sekolahnya tak sesuai jumlahnya. Untuk menjawab persoalan ini, Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Mohammad Nuh mengatakan bahwa naskah soal boleh difotokopi dengan pengamanan ketat dan para siswa yang mengalami kekurangan soal serta lembar jawab bisa mengerjakan langsung di atas naskah fotokopian tersebut.

"Anak-anak langsung saja menjawab di naskah. Misalnya jawaban A, ya langsung dibunderin atau disilang saja," kata Nuh saat dijumpai di Kemendikbud, Jakarta, Kamis (18/4/2013).

Setelah anak-anak mengisi jawaban di atas naskah soal, nantinya jawaban tersebut akan dipindahkan ke lembar jawab yang terkomputerisasi oleh tiga elemen, yaitu pihak kepolisian, dinas, dan universitas, sehingga saat dikoreksi tetap dilakukan menggunakan alat pemindai. Langkah ini tentu menuai kontroversi tersendiri karena rawan kecurangan dan berpotensi merugikan siswa.

"Kalau semua serba enggak percaya, ya enggak akan selesai. Yang pasti sudah dipastikan yang mindahkan tidak main-main," ujar Nuh.

"Ada masalah seperti ini, harus cari solusi, kalau sudah seperti ini harus diapain coba. Kalau terus dipersalahkan tidak akan selesai," tandasnya.

Seperti diketahui, akibat lalainya percetakan, naskah soal UN beserta lembar jawab yang ada di beberapa wilayah mengalami kekurangan. Bahkan tidak sedikit yang soalnya tertukar, misalkan untuk SMA menjadi soal SMK atau untuk jurusan IPA menjadi naskah soal jurusan IPS.